How to Ensure a Reliable HMI System: Essential Solutions for Error-Free Performance

A malfunctioning Human-Machine Interface (HMI) in industries like healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture or aviation can lead to devastating consequences. It can result in significant financial losses, production downtime, or, in the worst-case scenario, life-threatening situations. For instance, consider a medical device failure during surgery or a farm equipment malfunction that doesn’t stop in time. The damage can be irreversible—both financially and in terms of human safety. Additionally, the reliability of your product may come under scrutiny, leading to severe reputational damage.

So, how can you ensure that your HMI systems are dependable when there’s zero tolerance for errors? At ClickTouch, we have the solutions. Below, we introduce several groundbreaking technologies that guarantee the safety and reliability of your HMI solutions.


Hover Technology

At ClickTouch, we focus heavily on innovation in Projected Capacitive (PCAP) touch technology, especially regarding reliability and safety. Our hover technology are truly revolutionary.

With our hover technology, operators can control the screen without making physical contact. By simply hovering their hands over the display, they can perform specific tasks. This is particularly useful in medical and industrial environments where hygiene and safety are paramount. By eliminating the need for physical contact with the HMI, this technology enhances hygiene. Its ease of use also ensures that every action is intuitive and, therefore, safe.

Discover our newest UltraTouch demo featuring Hover Technology, capacitive multitouch, and Force Sensing Technology. With these innovations, we elevate reliability to the next level in critical environments, ensuring redundancy through advanced multitouch capabilities and force sensitivity. 


ClickTouch Force Sensor Technology

Finally, we’d like to introduce our ClickTouch Force Sensor (CFS) technology. This technology is integrated into our redundant keyboards and provides excellent tactile feedback—crucial in environments where operators wear gloves. Additionally, this technology is designed to last up to six times longer than traditional solutions, further reducing the risk of malfunctions and associated costs.

The CFS technology also introduces new features, such as pressure sensitivity. This allows users to unlock additional functions by applying more pressure.


How You Can Rest Easy from Now On

In industries where a malfunctioning HMI system can have serious consequences, you can’t afford to take risks. Thanks to our innovative technologies, we ensure that your devices continue to operate smoothly, safeguarding both your operations and your reputation. When there’s no room for error, dependability is crucial.

If you would like more information or have specific questions about improving HMI reliability, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help with your HMI technology solutions.